Derbyn Plant
Derbynia’r ysgol ddisgyblion yn llawn amser i’r dosbarth derbyn yn dilyn eu pen-blwydd yn bedair oed. Cyngor Sir Ceredigion sy’n rheoli derbyn disgyblion i’r ysgolion.
Penderfynir uchafswm y disgyblion sydd i’w derbyn, gan y rhif mynedid a bennir yn flynyddol mewn ymgyghoriad â’r Bwrdd Llywodraethol. Os digwydd bod mwy wedi dewis anfon eu plant i’r ysgol nag sydd o le ar eu cyfer ystyrir ceisiadau yn unol â’r meini prawf canlynol:
- y ffafriaeth ysgrifenedig a fynegwyd gan y rhieni
- nifer y disgyblion a all gael eu derbyn i’r ysgol
- yr ardal ddaearyddol a wasanaethir fel rheol gan yr ysgolion
- cysylltiadau brodyr a chwiorydd
- rhesymau meddygol a chymdeithasol penodol sy’n berthnasol i ddarpar ddisgybl.
Er mwyn gwneud cais am le yn yr ysgol rhaid felly cyflwyno ceisiadau i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion cyn 30ain o Ebrill bob blwyddyn. Ni chaniateir trefnu rhestr aros. Mae’r ffurflen ar-lein bwrpasol bellach ar wefan Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yma:
Bydd Ceredigion ond yn darparu cludiant yn rhad ac am ddim i blant 5 oed sy’n byw 2 filltir neu fwy o’r ysgol fwyaf addas agosaf.
Trefniadau i gwrdd â’r rhieni a’r darpar ddisgyblion
Gwahoddir y rhieni a’u plant i ymweld a’r ysgol cyn iddynt gychwyn. Yn ystod y sesiwn bydd y pennaeth/ pennaeth cynorthwyol yn tywys y rhieni o gwmpas yr ysgol ac yn rhoi cyfle iddynt ofyn cwesitynau. Bydd y plant hefyd yn cael cyfle i gyfarwyddo gyda’r ysgol cyn dechrau. Gwahoddir darpar ddisgyblion i ymuno â’r dosbarth yn ystod sesiynau cyfarwyddo.
Admission of Children
The school admits pupils on a full-time basis to the reception class in the term following their fourth birthday. Ceredigion County Council manages admissions to the schools.
The maximum number of pupils to be admitted is determined by the admission number set annually in consultation with the Governing Body. If more people choose to send their children to the school than there is places for them, the following
criteria shall be considered:
- written expressed preference by parents
- the number of pupils that can be admitted by the school
- the geographical area which the school normally serves
- sibling links
- specific medical and social reasons appertaining to the prospective pupil.
Therefore to apply for a place at the school, applications must be submitted to Ceredigion County Council, through the school, before 30th April each year. A waiting list cannot be compiled. The appropriate on-line form is available on Ceredigion County Council’s website here:
Ceredigion will only provide free school transport for children from 5 years of age who live 2 miles or more from their nearest suitable school.
Arrangements to meet prospective parents and pupils
Prospective pupils and their parents are invited to visit the school. During the session, the headteacher/ assistant head will give the parents a guided tour around the school and give opportunities to ask questions. The children will also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school before staring. Prospective pupils are invited to join the class during taster sessions.