Mewn undod mae nerth | Together stronger
Manylion | Details
Ysgol Mynach, Pontarfynach, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4QZ.
Pennaeth Cynorthwyol/Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Bethan James
Ffôn/Phone: 01970 890234
“Mae agwedd disgyblion tuag at ddysgu yn rhagorol. Mae eu cyfraniad tuag at ymestyn eu diddordeb, eu hannibyniaeth a’u mwynhad ym mywyd a gwaith yr ysgol yn eithriadol.”
“Pupils’ attitude to learning is excellent. Their contribution to extending their interest, independence and enjoyment of the life and work of the school is exceptional.”
Estyn 2014
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Ysgol Mynach
Dynodir yr ysgol yn ‘Ysgol Gymraeg’ yn ôl polisi iaith yr awdurdod addysg; golyga hyn mai’r Gymraeg yw prif gyfrwng gwaith a bywyd yr ysgol ond anelir at sicrhau bod y disgyblion yn gwbl ddwyieithog erbyn iddynt drosglwyddo i’r sector uwchradd.
Mae’r Pennaeth yn gyfrifol am dair ysgol leol sy’n cydweithio o fewn partneriaeth effeithiol. Mae gan bob ysgol Bennaeth Cynorthwyol penodedig.
Ein Gwerthoedd a’n Gweledigaeth
Parch, Gofal a Gonestrwydd yw prif werthoedd ein hysgolion. Rydym yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd ein gwerthoedd yn gyson i ddisgyblion a rhanddeiliaid.
Dysg Dawn Daioni – Ein gweledigaeth yw darparu amgylchedd hapus, bositif, ddiogel a chyfeillgar er mwyn sicrhau addysg o’r radd flaenaf sy’n cynnig profiadau heriol, diddorol ac eang a fydd yn arwain unigolion at gyrraedd eu llawn botensial.
Mynach School
The school is designated as a Welsh-medium school in accordance with the Education Authority’s language policy. This means that Welsh is the main medium of the life and work of the school and seeks to ensure that pupils are fully bilingual by the time they transfer to the secondary sector.
The Headteacher is responsible for three local schools that work within a successful partnership. Each primary has a designated assistant headteacher.
Our Vision and Values
Respect, Care and Honesty are the main values that represent our schools. The values are incorporated into all aspects of school life for all
pupils and stakeholders.
Dysg Dawn Daioni – Our vision is to provide a happy, positive, safe and friendly environment in order to ensure a first-class education that offers challenging, interesting and broad experiences that will lead individuals to reach their full potential.